Mobile Apps with

  • ASP.NET Zero comes along mobile app using Xamarin forms. It is a Visual Studio solution with complete source code of Xamarin forms. It can be used as a foundation for your next online or mobile app and build business code on top of it.
  • Customers have built using Grialkit on top of the Xamarin forms application that comes with Asp.Net Zero. Grialkit provides set of stunning XAML user interface views for Xamarin. Forms. These are built with developers in mind covering the most common Mobile UI patterns.
  • Customers can develop mobile apps using technologies like React Native or build a native app using Android-Java or iOS-Swift.

Technologies Used for Developing Mobile Apps

Our development team is experienced in developing mobile apps using the following technologies:

react native
xamarin apps

Xamarin Mobile App Development

  • For all mobile platforms, Xamarin requires C#. Xamarin apps resemble native UI as they use native libraries wrapped in a .NET layer for cross-platform app development with Asp.Net zero API.
  • Xamarin. IOS or Xamarin. Android are the two platforms that make up the Xamarin app development platform. Both platforms contain automated assembly code processes and are well-suited to garbage collection, memory allocation, and platform compatibility.
  • Native applications are supposed to be using hardware constraints, APIs, other platform-centric improvements, but they aren't the only way to create mobile apps. Cross-platform development allows production of apps which can run on different operating systems without need for a separate and specialised development

What is React Native & How is it used in Mobile App Development

  • The more user-friendly and engaging an app is, the more effort it takes to make it seamless and easy to use. The reactjs framework is the finest option for you to get started on native mobile app development.
  • A mobile app built with React Native, is by default compatible with both iOS and Android. Because when app's code is compiled, it's reduced to native Java and Swift code.
  • React Native bridges gaps between web and native UI components. This cross-platform compatibility of React Native is an edge over. If you want to create a platform-agnostic mobile app, React Native is the answer. To utilize features that React Native offers, we can create React mobile app which interacts with Asp Net Zero Web API.
react native
IoT apps

Need For IoT And Multi Device App Development

  • The power of connected devices/applications using robust cloud infrastructure, the key to building efficient real-time web interactions
  • The advantage of telemetry that provides findings/readings crucial to decision making
  • Easily built real-time web applications such as live monitoring dashboards and live chat


Mobile apps ASP.Net Zero and ABP Commercial platforms provide infrastructure for both Web ans well as mobile applications to form an integrated ecosystem wherein the native mobile app consumes API exposed by the Web application. Native mobile apps are built with Xamarin and React native. Below are the highlights of this approach.

ASP.NET ZERO and ABP. IO provide API end- points for connected devices that can consume them, such as: Mobile app (Android/IOS), Desktop app, Raspberry app, Wearables

ABP.IO provides an out of the box react app solution. This brings immense power to your web applications enabling them to communicate with these connected world devices

A robust set of REST APIs can be consumed securely by these connected devices

The framework provides inbuilt support for SignalR in order to process real time data

ASP.NET ZERO and ABP.IO provide the infrastructure for creating Xamarin based cross platform mobile apps

They provide consistent APIs for sending and receiving messages in real-time

ASP.NET ZERO has a built-in webhook system designed with pub/sub pattern


GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs . GraphQL makes it easy to evolve APIs over time, and is a single API face for different clients like mobile, desktop apps, tablets. ASP.NET Zero includes an implementation of GraphQL API and also a unit test project to work with it.

Advantages of using GraphQL
  • Provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API

  • Gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need

  • Makes it easier to evolve APIs over time

  • Enables powerful developer tools
